Sunday, 15 January 2012

A Spoonful of Sugar

This time I want to post in first person without the settings being some ambiguous place, and that is so because I want to share an experience with all you guys. I have been looking at people caught up in quite some situations, since a few weeks, and I couldn't make any sense out as to why they were going through all that they were but today just as I was doing some everyday chores, I realised that yes things aren't easy and maybe, we may say that people are helpless, but are we looking at things closely enough...i don;t think so!

What if we are ignoring the fact that no one ever is helpless.We all need to stand up for what we believe and and work hard for our goals and when you work this determined towards something, even Nature itself can't help but smile down at you while you fight against the tides no matter what season of the year it may be. 

So keep fighting and keep smiling and never regret anything that you do, because by the end of the day, it makes you who you are, and remember, there is nobody prettier than you (inside and out)! =)


  1. A spoonful of sugar... you disappointed this time. was expecting something related to Marry Poppins! :\

  2. the article isn't bad though
