Tuesday, 8 January 2013

The Yellow Raincoat

Our childhood fears cling to us like kids clinging to the legs of their parents outside candy stores. These fears make and break us, not just only for those specific moments, but also later, when we are grown and make our own ways in the world, leading our ‘adult’ lives.

Most people like to put it this way that these fears ‘haunt’ us, making them feel wrong or putting complete situations under a negative light when actually they are just events from the past that have had a strong influence on us. They probably took place only to avoid some sort of similar clinging memory, though what we do not realize at their time of occurrence is how in an attempt to make it all right or picture perfect, we are forgetting that mistakes are a part of a healthy learning process.

From this whole idea another thing that I mentioned above is how we try alienating our childhood from our adulthood. It’s one life and dividing it into sections is somewhat absurd. In order to understand that lets take a look at how the human mind transform from a child’s level of thinking to that of an adult.

When a child is born, he is innocent in all manners of speaking.  As he becomes older and what we refer to as wiser (I would rather call this simply call this getting to know the conniving and plotting ways of the world)he loses contact with the pure innocent being that he entered this world as. However, that innocence does not diminish from within him completely. It does leave behind some traces that reflect every once in a blue moon at least. Those who try keeping the child inside of them tactile and alive, nurturing it and protecting it like an expecting mother, are the once considered fools though it is them that get to taste the true flavor of the candy bar known as Life.

So keep that child inside of you strong and alive because when things become too hard to bear at times its going to be that very child that is going to save the adult you by referring to sanity every now and again by telling you fantasy stories of pixies and nymphs that though seem other-worldly and quite pleasant yet hold small pieces of such information which would make you put on a your yellow raincoat and those red wellies and smile as u skip along from one puddle to another on the broken and bumpy road outside.

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