Friday, 24 May 2013

My Bleak Remains

You said I need not worry as long as you are around. The smile on your face and that confidence in your tone was all i needed at times. You were the best friend I could ever have had and yet more than that. I don’t know how to classify that “more”. But I’m aware that you were that. 

You aren’t around anymore. So the things you said I need not worry about as long as you are around, seem scarier to deal with while you are absent in person.

It all seems a little bleak now. Like a fake plastic world with fake plastic houses and hollow empty people that have keys in their backs to make them march around in an almost zombified manner. A world that’s fake like the tawdry flowers you see at a carnival made of cloth and even the corners are tethered and worn with all the black rain that continuously keeps pouring down, making these flowers that were once still acceptable to the eye just a mere props whose sight is now nauseating in itself.

I miss you. Not in the manner the word suggests. But like a gradual leprosy that’s overtaking me. Slowly, gnawing and chewing at the corners of my remains.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Dear, I'm almost home.

My heart's an orchard and yours a lily
I love you
Don't laugh, I know that sounds silly.
My heart's a rainbow.;
The shade you like the most is yellow,
Warm n comforting yet sad at times,
Comforting n cold at the same time.
I miss you is all I'll like to say tonight,
Cos its dark out there
And I have miles to walk
On this cold deserted road
Till I reach home.