Monday 20 October 2014

And The Universe Smiled Down At Her That Night

She rubbed her eyes. They were dry. As if a cold dry winter spell had taken over a once happy village street. Just that way.
She was sitting in the snow. Her legs and bum nearly numb despite the layers upon layers of clothes. She wiggled her toes inside her scarlet wellies. It felt somewhat nice. The meadow was empty. Tall trees stood like melancholy guarding posts in the distance. She listened closely to the silence around her as the skies turned a shade of violet and the stars twinkled brightly in the clear skies.
She smiled to herself as she remembered him saying, "Everything will be alright!"
Impact of probably cliched words from someone who matters to you form like a keystone for the nearly ramshackle arch of one's emotions.
She got up and sang as she made her way back home.  Her balmy voice echoing ever so slightly making the stars smile down at her, "Are we all loost staaars, Trying to liight up theee daaark!"

1 comment:

  1. The post is so you. Even if i didn't know it was your blog i would have guessed :D. nice imagery.
