Saturday 11 April 2015

Specks of Dust

I closed my eyes. A tinge of indigo enveloped my vision, or probably lack thereof. I wanted nothing. You must be imagining the colour black, no I don't mean black. I mean nothing a nameless non existent colour that truly describes the shallowness within me.

Don't worry, I wouldn't bore you guys about mundane substance pertaining to events and happenings of my life. I realise this is a blog, not a diary, but then who are we to define anything at all. Whether that be colours, feelings or ideologies and perspectives on the world by and large.


The rabbit scurried into the rabbit hole, without gaining any notice whatsoever from Aliza, who sat under this blooming apple tree on this overcast spring morning. She looked like Alice, but then again who ever did truly know Alice to draw a comparison.